How to Enhance Your Code Using PHP Iterators

How to Enhance Your Code Using PHP Iterators

Discover how iterators can help you work with arrays, objects, and other data structures more effectively"


When working with large datasets, iterating over arrays or objects can be cumbersome, especially when dealing with complex data structures like linked lists or recursive arrays. PHP iterators simplify this process, making it easier to traverse and manipulate data. In this article, we'll explore the basics of PHP iterators, including a real-world example using a linked list, and discuss how to extend their functionality.

The Problem: Iterating without Iterators

Let's consider a simple example of a linked list without using iterators. We can create a linked list class with methods to add nodes and print the values.

$list = new LinkedList();


$node = $list->getHead();
while ($node) {
    echo $node;
    $node = $node->getNext();

However, printing the values requires manually traversing the list, which can be cumbersome and error-prone.

This approach has several drawbacks, including:

  • Manual traversal, which can lead to errors

  • Limited flexibility in iterating over the data

  • No support for recursive data structures

The Solution: Using PHP Iterators

To address these limitations, we can use PHP iterators. An iterator is an object that allows us to traverse a data structure (like an array or an object) without exposing its underlying implementation.

Let's create an iterator for our linked list

class LinkedList implements IteratorAggregate
    private ?Node $head;
    private ?Node $tail;

    public function __construct()
        $this->head = null;
        $this->tail = null;

    public function getHead(): ?Node
        return $this->head ? $this->head : null;

    public function getTail(): ?Node
        return $this->tail ? $this->tail : null;

    public function push(mixed $val): Node
        $newNode = new Node($val);
        if (!$this->head) {
            $this->head = $newNode;
            return $newNode;

        return $this->insertNode($this->head, $newNode);

    private function insertNode(Node $node, Node $newNode): Node
        if (!$node->getNext()) {
            return $newNode;
        return $this->insertNode($node->getNext(), $newNode);

    public function getIterator(): Traversable
        return new LinkedListIterator($this);

IteratorAggregate Interface

The IteratorAggregate interface is a built-in PHP interface that allows an object to be iterated over using a foreach loop. It is an extension of the Traversable interface, which is the base interface for all PHP iterators.

Implementing IteratorAggregate

To implement the IteratorAggregate interface, a class must implement a single method: getIterator(). This method returns an instance of an iterator object that implements the Iterator interface.

In the provided LinkedList class, the getIterator() method returns an instance of the LinkedListIterator class, which implements the Iterator interface.

Here's a breakdown of the getIterator() method in the LinkedList class:

public function getIterator(): Traversable
    return new LinkedListIterator($this);

In this method:

  • The getIterator() method returns an instance of the LinkedListIterator class, passing the current LinkedList object ($this) to its constructor.

  • The LinkedListIterator class implements the Iterator interface, which provides the necessary methods for iteration, such as rewind(), current(), key(), next(), and valid().


The LinkedListIterator class implements the Iterator interface, which allows it to be used with a foreach loop to iterate over the nodes in a linked list.

class LinkedListIterator implements Iterator
    private ?LinkedList $list;
    private ?Node $node;

    public function __construct(LinkedList $list = null)
        $this->list = $list;
        $this->node = $list->getHead();

    public function rewind(): void
        $this->node = $this->list->getHead();

    public function current(): mixed
        return $this->node;

    public function key(): mixed
        return $this->node;

    public function next(): void
        $this->node = $this->node->getNext();

    public function valid(): bool
        return $this->node ? true : false;

Here's a breakdown of each function in the Iterator interface:

1. rewind():

  • Purpose: Resets the iterator to the beginning of the iteration.

  • Description: This method is called at the beginning of the iteration, or when the iterator needs to be reset. It sets the iterator to the first element of the iteration.

  • Example: In the LinkedListIterator class, the rewind() method resets the iterator to the head of the linked list.

2. current():

  • Purpose: Returns the current element in the iteration.

  • Description: This method returns the current element in the iteration. It's called by the foreach loop to retrieve the current element.

  • Example: In the LinkedListIterator class, the current() method returns the current node in the linked list.

3. key():

  • Purpose: Returns the key of the current element.

  • Description: This method returns the key of the current element in the iteration. The key is an identifier for the current element.

  • Example: In the LinkedListIterator class, the key() method returns the current node itself as the key.

4. next():

  • Purpose: Moves the iterator to the next element in the iteration.

  • Description: This method moves the iterator to the next element in the iteration. It's called by the foreach loop to move to the next element.

  • Example: In the LinkedListIterator class, the next() method moves the iterator to the next node in the linked list.

5. valid():

  • Purpose: Checks if the current element is valid.

  • Description: This method checks if the current element is valid. It's called by the foreach loop to check if the iteration is still valid.

  • Example: In the LinkedListIterator class, the valid() method checks if the current node is not null, indicating that the iteration is still valid.

In this example, the foreach loop uses the LinkedListIterator class to iterate over the nodes in the linked list. The LinkedListIterator the class returns each node in the linked list, and the echo $node statement prints the value of each node.

$list = new LinkedList();

foreach ($list->getIterator() as $node) {
    echo $node;


The RecursiveArrayIterator is a built-in PHP class that allows you to iterate over arrays recursively. It is an extension of the ArrayIterator class and provides a way to iterate over nested arrays.

How it works

When you create a RecursiveArrayIterator object, you pass an array to its constructor. The iterator then recursively traverses the array, iterating over each element, including nested arrays.

Here's an example:

$array = [
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => [
        'd' => 3,
        'e' => 4,
        'f' => [
            'g' => 5,
            'h' => 6,

$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($array);

foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key => $value\n";


a => 1
b => 2
c => Array
d => 3
e => 4
f => Array
g => 5
h => 6

As you can see, the RecursiveArrayIterator recursively iterates over the array, printing each key-value pair, including the nested arrays.


In this article, we explored the concept of iterators in PHP and how they can be used to traverse and manipulate data structures such as arrays and linked lists. We also discussed the Iterator interface and how it can be implemented to create custom iterators.

We also implemented a custom LinkedListIterator class that implements the Iterator interface to traverse a linked list.

If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from learning about PHP iterators. Share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below, and let us know what other topics you'd like to see covered in future articles.

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